Shop the Mothers Cooperative and Feed a Family.

Shop the Mothers Cooperative and Feed a Family.

The Fresh and Green Mothers Cooperative has been expanding and the quality of their items is top notch! Eighty-one women in the neighborhood of Kotebe in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, have changed their lives by joining the Mothers Cooperative. The women not only create...

Fair Trade Tuesday Brings Hope To Our Mothers!

Fair Trade Tuesday Brings Hope To Our Mothers!

Help the mothers of Fresh and Green by buying an item made at the school! Shop our online store here! The students’ mothers come to Fresh and Green Academy at least once per week to work in the Mothers Cooperative. You’ll find them working in the newly created looming...

Help Us Prevent Human Trafficking

Help Us Prevent Human Trafficking

Re posted from the Friends of Fresh and Green blog Since this was written we lost another very bright young student. Goday (pictured here) is the mother of one of our students, who recently went to Beirut to work.  Her...

Student Mothers Empowered To Earn Their Own Money

Student Mothers Empowered To Earn Their Own Money

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia -- May 2010 Thanks to your donations and support, there are twenty-two student mothers now earning money courtesy of Fresh and Green Academy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. For many, it is the first time in their lives they have been able to earn money...