November Visit Brings New Volunteers!

November Visit Brings New Volunteers!

On our third visit to the school this year we had the pleasure of introducing Mr. Christopher Loreck of #Salesforce in San Francisco to our founder Muday and the wonderful community of students, moms and volunteers. This generous new participant, whom we met at #Dreamforce2018 was keen to explore the warm Ethiopian culture and history and made an instant connection with our kids and the people who make Fresh and Green Academy run.

Over the course of a week, Christopher sponsored a student with HIV, also sponsored the single mother Zebib who was our guide in her university pursuits, and came up with an array of ideas to solve our ongoing challenges. And hey, the humble operators who manage the all-powerful Salesforce customer resource management platform at Friends were thrilled to have a Solutions Engineer at their side to pepper with technical questions all…week…long!

We also ran across Cathie Miller, a Canadian nurse practitioner with an adventurous spirit who joined us to get an in-depth look at the school, do some triage (a daily need with 250 boisterous youngsters), and left with stories and scarves to spread to her co-workers and friends. Cathie added a lot of energy to our last day to cap off a great trip, so thanks, guys, for coming to visit!

We encourage anybody who thinks they might like to explore our world, including scaling a 3,000 foot volcano to see the monastery and caldera lake at the top (and getting stuck 4 times on Mount Zuqualla!) to contact us about visiting Fresh and Green Academy. We guarantee it will change your outlook and display the hope and beauty of our planet.